Catch the Best of the day

Industrial Pesquera Santa Priscila S.A

In everything we do we are driven by love and respect for your health and that of nature.

Industrial Pesquera Santa Priscila S.A

Industrial Pesquera Santa Priscila S.A, we enjoy the catch of the day while taking care of nature, always giving back everything it gives us, respecting it with processes that do not harm the ecosystem and that contribute to the environment. We are the only ones who pack cold the same day we fish, to take care of the quality and freshness of our food, for the families of Ecuador and the world.

We are Committed To Our Planet

Our tilapia and shrimp grow freely in controlled environments from ocean streams.

Industrial Pesquera Santa Priscila S.A

The Ecuadorian system is unique, it is a low-density, integrated aquaculture system, with great respect for nature, no antibiotics used, and natural feeding. We protect the tilapia and shrimp, and their environment, creating a stress-free environment.

Our History

Industrial Pesquera Santa Priscila S.A

In 1976, Industrial Pesquera Santa Priscila S.A took its first steps into the aquaculture industry, driven by a vision to create a better world with sustainable food sources that could endure over time. Recognizing that nature’s resources are finite, we chose to be agents of change, committed to protecting and preserving the country’s natural wealth.

Our mission was clear: to safeguard marine species from extinction. Starting from scratch, we pioneered a model unique to Ecuador, developed by Ecuadorians through hands-on experience and innovation where no precedent existed elsewhere in the world.

The journey was not without its challenges. One of the most significant lessons came during the white spot crisis—a biological and social emergency that pushed us to innovate. The solution required a transformative shift in our practices: eliminating antibiotics entirely and embracing probiotics to strengthen the species naturally, ensuring their health and suitability as sustainable food.

Since 1976, Santa Priscila S.A have remained dedicated to investing in this industry and in Ecuador’s future. We believe in building a better Ecuador and contributing to a better world for generations to come.

Our tilapia and shrimp thrive freely in healthy, carefully controlled environments nourished by natural ocean streams. They are fed a wholesome diet of algae and vegetable grains, ensuring they are 100% free from hormones, antibiotics, and harmful chemicals.

At Industrial Pesquera Santa Priscila S.A. we fish daily and cold-pack the same day to preserve the highest standards of quality and freshness. Every step we take is guided by our deep respect and care for your health and the well-being of nature.
